Thursday, February 26, 2009

Public blogEntry as Worksheet

'Can you guess what language this is?
'I gave you a huge hint already...

Public Sub myWork
 Dim payCheck as Single, workHours as Long, projectComplete as Boolean
 Dim startHours as Single, endHours as Variable
 Dim sneakyMode as Boolean, stareAtScreen as Boolean, goHome as Boolean
 Dim newEmotion as String

 startHours = 800

  If projectComplete = False Then
  endHours = 1900
  payCheck = Null
   newEmotion = "Indifference"
   endHours = 1855
 End if

 For i = startHours to EndHours
  If startHours + 30 > i
   stareAtScreen = True
  End If

  If bored or frustrated Then
   If bossLooking = False Then
    timeLimit = 30 + x
    Call StartBlogging
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    sneakyMode = True
    timeLimit = 10
    Call StartBlogging
   End If
   Dim guilt as integer
   guilt = workHours/timeLimit
  End If

  If guilt > 9 Then
   Exit Sub
  End If

  stareAtScreen = False
 Next i

 Call workDetails

 If endHours + 60 > now
  goHome = False
  Goto workProcess
  goHome = True
  newEmotion = "Joy"
 End If
End Sub

Monday, February 23, 2009

Singing for Dummies

什麼音質, 滑音, 抖音, 共鳴...
尤其是共鳴, 要怎麼讓共鳴點在頭部, 那嘶吼時(像唱Linkin Park)還是一樣方法嗎?

什麼意思啊!? 原來我一直只"發音"是不夠喽?

No really, how exactly do you sing?
How about posture, pressure point, abs, blah blah?
And how do you "practice" singing? Without proper techniques, practice only wastes time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009



大學終於在昨天全部申請完, 現在就只能等了
...想去Toronto的學校... 但實際還是蠻怕想進的都進不了
算了, 想那麼多也沒有...
如麻倉葉的名言: "船到橋頭自然直"
嗯...好像有點粗俗... 但真的就是這樣啊

就先別去想長相,說話方式,悶騷程度那些膚淺的東西 (其實悶騷程度不膚淺,很重要喔)
我是感覺看到在大學時期的我 (差2年而已,我還沒那麼老)
不管是課業上的進度,新學期的希望,甚至是團契裡的參與... 好像喔...

雖然想知道更多,想實際做更多,但... 這是她們的工
所以為了一起喜樂我就會一直禱告 (而且竟然要禱告也需要知道,呵呵,有藉口了)

這次借用Michael Jackson的歌做總結吧:

本來要放Michael Jackson本人, 但看了video後我全身不舒服... 所以放Craig David版
而且Beat box酷多了

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


以下是我ㄧ個朋友寫的, 一個改變我世界觀, 帶給我史上最好的消息(aka福音)的學姊...
...鼓聲... PEARL!
放她圖片可能會害羞所以... --->

基督徒總想, 要把福音傳給愛的人...


如果我們擁有一樣好東西, 可以無限制的要給誰就給誰, 要給多少就給多少... 那正常人應該會不吝嗇的給身邊任何的人吧? 如果有誰是我不願意給的, 那我一定非常非常憎恨他.

同樣地, 當我們知道有 "永生" 這樣的好東西, 而上帝又允許我們把這樣的好消息, 這樣棒的禮物, 無限制的要給誰就給誰, 要給多少就給多少... 那我們應該是逢人就給吧? 除非我們真的討厭一個人討厭到就算我有用不完的產業也不會想要分給他.

This gift of eternal life, this gift that we can share with anyone without exhausting it. Not "How much do we have to care for someone to share the gift with him?" BUT "How much do we have to 'hate' someone to NOT share this gift with him?"

就在這時, 我想到爺爺奶奶. 我想到好多年前心裡下的決定. 我哭了.

That was a good sermon. A good reminder.


Monday, February 9, 2009

A Sad Composition


Everytime I leave Taiwan I am left with a sense of unwillingness, regret, and even sorrow.
I am unwilling to leave because Taiwan is my home, it may not be where I grew up but it is what I consider home. Most people who will read this probably know how much I love Taiwan. That is why I am unwilling, unwilling to leave my love.
I am regretful because of the things I could have done but did not, the food I could have eaten but missed out on, the people I could have met with but sat out on. The people... so close to my heart, for no clear reason, yet so far away, so very far away...
I am sad because this past year was the first time I've been in Taiwan this often, and I fear it will not happen again. At least not for a good number of years. I cannot settle down for fear of having to leave again; in fact, I'm not even there anymore.

And what some of you may not know how sparingly I use the word love; I want to retain its significance. I do not "love" a smoothly cut salmon sashimi served fresh from a renowned Japanese fish market... though that's pretty close to true love right there... Just not quite. The point is I don't use love just everywhere, but I love Taiwan. I'd love to see God in Taiwan, or rather in every single acre of land and every person on it. He's working on it, and so am I. But right now...


It seems it is only in English that I spew out thoughts and philosophy of a significant caliber. Perhaps that is not such a good thing... Chinese again? Who cares about you Americans anyways... Sorry guys, it seems I write about updates to my life in Chinese mostly... So you are stuck with these...

Oh, and I went evangelizing with the church one Sunday, most of the people I knew weren't there. Slackers.