Thursday, May 20, 2010



那如果是遇到喜歡的人呢? 討厭的?
陶喆, 爱最好就很簡單

還有當我們朋友在錯事或毀壞他的人生(簡稱"罪"), 我們應該很直接的反應嗎?
就算他會恨你嗎? 腦海浮現翻唱歌(Cause I~ hate~ you, 我就是恨你baby~) XD
要直接的時候該怎麼去面對, 要小心的時候又該怎樣去應變?


我一直以來都很欣賞那些有話直說的人, 我認為好豪爽啊
高興就請大家出去吃飯, 生氣就翻桌二話不說走人
跟這種人當朋友的好處是他不會跟你耍心機, 那壞處呢...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mormons Are Coming

So I met with Mormons twice already.
When they called me and said they were with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints it didn't actually register to me that they were Mormons. I mean what kind of church or organization would put two of's in its name. It's not that it's grammatically unsound, it's like equipping two carts to an ox. Why would you do that to an ox? What did the ox ever do to you? It's bad enough putting on cart, but two!?

Anyways, they said they really wanted to meet with me and since I wasn't doing anything I let them. I was too lazy to go anywhere so I said they could come to my place. Two people ended up coming that first time. They started to small talk about crap I didn't care about. Why is it that people insist on having small talk? I know why they came, they know why they came. Small talk is reserved for unfamiliar acquaintances and awkward moments.

In any case, a few questions about my house and my hobbies later, and a Crazy Train riff later, I asked them out right, "So tell me what you want to share." I learned a few things that day about what they actually believe. I know about Mormonism, but everything I know are derogatory and downright mean. I wanted to hear what they have to say themselves. It's only fair. They shared about the basics that day and what they believe about the resurrection, Jesus, and the church. It wasn't until the second meeting that they shared with me their plan of salvation.

Let me tell you, that plan is messed up. Apparently all the souls has always existed since before the beginning of time, and God had a perfect physical body. Then we have the current life, then death and three heavens waiting for us. Oh, they have no hell. What the hell? What irked me the most was how they never even mentioned how to convert. Were they intimidated by me? I wasn't aggressive at all! I was playing the "shy curious guy" card.
Not the guys I met with, just a picture of Mormons.

I didn't want to bash them so I instead just asked them questions:
1. So the founder Joseph dug up these golden tablets (which was buried around 400BC, it'll take an excavation team to dig up something from that time). And the tablets were written in the alternate Egyptian hieroglyph (which linguists have deemed non-existent and even inconsistent with itself based on supposed translations). So after Joseph translated with the help of God, an angel came and took it away. So no one has seen the tablets except him. Care to explain?
2. How do you know your modern day prophet is real?

I have respect for Islam because their teachings have a source that we can trace to. Everyone can scrutinize their religious text in its original form. The same could be said for Hinduism and Buddhism. Christianity also has records from as far back as the Dead Sea Scrolls (or probably further, my archaeology is a bit rusty). Good science allows other scientists to repeat the same experiment. Good history has multiple manuscripts supporting its accuracy. I have no sympathy for something that correlates to neither.

They are coming here again today. Let's hope it goes well. They are perfectly nice people and easy to get along with. I don't wish any harm upon them. This is precisely why I'm sharing what I believe and also the foundations I have for those beliefs. Contrary to popular opinion, faiths are not blind and have a foundation. Mine is stronger and thicker than 25,000 original manuscripts piled together.

Thursday, May 13, 2010



我覺得我應該更常update一下我的生活, 畢竟我真的有做蠻多直得分享的事情.

我上上禮拜從學校搬到Toronto附近, 雖然搬家很累但我有好多人幫我喔
要不是我臉皮厚的不像話可能會更累吧; 因為不只是朋友, 我好像連朋友的家長都拉來了
然後上個禮拜我辦了一個小小housewarming party, 到後面搞到有點失控就對了 XD

再來呢... 最近開始自己煮飯
以前都是偶而弄個簡單的pasta或者是微波爐便當, 但因為現在是長期需要煮飯而不是當懶的出門才煮, 所以必須注意每一餐的營養成分
要確定自己有足夠的肉, 要不然protein會不夠, 這樣肌肉就沒辦法繼續成長
"要愛護自己的身體以後身體才會愛護你" -莊媽媽明言
如果有兩個人了話其實會比較好煮菜, 不需要每餐都只弄一點點東西或放冰箱隔天吃剩菜
加上每天都要去想該煮什麼該買什麼, 好煩好煩喔~ (sarcasm)
我也有在PicasaFacebook放food diary :D

我是不是很幸福? 至少到六月之前, 每天就是看動畫, 玩遊戲, 彈吉他, 去廚房嘗試新料理, 睡覺, 偶而洗個澡.
還有很多時間去讀經, 禱告, 跟教會的人打籃球 (我被稱為籃板王喔)
尤其是看到一些masochistic的朋友天天忙著工作或實習, 回到家也不休息, 我真的好幸福喔...
別懷疑, 我是在說妳蔚翔
妳很累吧, 我好像是應該說加油之類的話, 但我聽膩了這套互相鼓勵的話.
保羅是怎麼鼓勵教會的, 彼得呢? 神又是對約書亞說什麼? Be strong and courageous...
古人說我們人都是在苦難中最能經歷神, 古人是對的.
嗯... 不知道說什麼... 加油摟~ (弱掉)
放心, 妳很堅強的, 加上有超多人為妳禱告的不是嗎?

說到禱告, 我有個叫韡承的朋友
韡承啊, 你不要給我一直忙東忙西然後閒沒人關心, 我要找你都找不到耶! 聊天那麼難嗎?
Anyways... 他是一個又帥又穩重的一個真男人, 他很會關心別人, 有穩定的工作, 加上他會Java!
為什麼提到他呢? 因為我上次跟他見面時有問要怎麼幫他禱告, 當然他是先提到團契(但這是預設帶禱事項所以不算). 之後他就提到另一半和他的一些希望...

說到另一半, 馬修先生啊... 禱告...
其實好多人都在煩惱這件事, 我不煩惱會很怪嗎? 難道是我還沒長大!

台灣... 大概是因為我長期在很多國家中移來移去, 我習慣了長時間不會遇到很多人這感受
所以"想念"並不是一個經常發生的事, 但每當我開始去聊到想到或寫到一個人就會開始想念這個人. 所以現在腦海中浮現眾多台灣的朋友們代表...
喔對, 還有我的親愛的家人和可愛的親戚 :D

有點想回台灣... 或著是台灣可以過來
PS. Amy小姐, 加拿大之旅計畫如何?
PSS. 快見到爸媽了