Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Uniform + Random Happenings

So we got new uniform at work a few days back.

Oh, for those that don't know yet, I've started to work a while back (almost right after I got my social insurance number). I work in the kitchen at this Japanese restaurant, the type that sells sushi, udon, and other miscellaneous Japanese food. I'm officially working as part-time even though I'm putting in full time hours. I think this allows the owner to not buy me insurance or something. Hope I don't lose a finger anytime soon, I already have a crack in my nail from bad cutting.

Speaking of cutting, I have never cut this many carrots, cabbage, potatoes, etc. in my life. And yet I still suck at it... I don't think I'm THAT slow, it's just that those guys are way too fast. According to "shifu", I'm only gonna cook when I get better at cutting.
Anyways, we got new uniform yesterday. It's this white jacket with black buttons and black sleeves. With this we actually look like chefs in a hotel as opposed to mere kitchen workers in a small restaurant. The black lower apron didn't change, but no one can see that anyways. Oh, one thing I should mention, I'm still wearing the "trainee" uniform, which sucks. It's not like I can't cook, he just won't let me, at least not the "hard stuff". If you come at lunch though, I make the easy stuff and you can try it.

On an unrelated note, a few of us from church went on a retreat last weekend. We hung out, played foosball half-watched two movies, went to the pool, and discussed predestination. Fun stuff. Hard to swallow at times, but awe-inspiring nonetheless. Oh, I heard Tears in Heaven on the guitar again on the retreat, so it's not just Conan who plays it... After going home and practicing, now I can play it too.

Side note: My dad hurt his lower back/hip a few days ago (閃到腰). I just got off work and saw him on the floor, apparently he could not even move. From his contorted figure, I could tell he was in agonizing pain. He's better now, but pray for him. He also audibly prayed to God for the first time, that's pretty sweet.

Monday, July 5, 2010


化妝品啊, 假睫毛也是, 適合新新都市男孩的假睫毛勒?
我並不是想用, 但我希望至少可以有選擇...

最近開始在一家日本料理店工作, 而且在廚房, 以後我廚藝會大大增進吧 :D
我發現站一整天真的會累, 大概是我從來沒有站那麼久沒休息過吧
回家時小腿超硬的, 我覺得可以去跟大理石比

嗯, 累歸累但我還學習到蠻多的

他: 你切太粗了, 很醜啊. 小心點, 慢慢來
我: 喔, sorry
他: 動作太慢了, 在餐館業要動作很快的...
我: sorry
OS: 我沒辦法像你一樣快狠準, 對不起我那麼沒用 T T

他: 刀子和你又沒有仇, 不要那麼用力, 這樣刀很容易壞的
我: 喔, 好的
他: 不要用兩隻手, 用力就好
我: 我... 切... 不動
他: 哎呀, 長那麼高大是幹麼的... 像這樣

他: 你有沒有兄弟姊妹啊?
我: 有, 一個哥哥
他: 我們距離越來越遠了
我: 但我有很多表姊表妹
他: 我們距離又變近了

師父我會加油的... 雖然好累...
被罵是正常, 被罵是為了要成長, Tony你沒有那麼沒用, 要有自信點
Tony你不會被打敗的, 你切的菜沒有那麼醜... 這都是學習過程
Tony你真的沒有師父說的那麼沒用, 相信自己, believe... fighting!

之前是早上十一點到晚上十一點, 雖然closing完都十二點多了... 回到家也不知道幾點了...
還有昨天因為洗碗的沒來所以我沒有休息的洗了六個鐘頭的碗, 我的手要爛掉了~

現在師父說我晚上幫不上忙 (晚上菜還不讓我做, 中午也不太會其實), 所以幾乎都是五點就下班了, 除了特別忙的幾天
這樣我晚上就有空去starbucks工作摟... 趕快找...

PS. 師父跟我要台灣女生的照片, 我手機就那幾張所以就選了XXX的照片給他看
請原諒我, 師父逼的
I'll semi-translate this later...