Sunday, June 21, 2009




我星期六一個人在家一整天,看了一些偶像劇後不知道幹什麼。我好難得有2個週末那麼閒,宅在家裡真幸福... 其實我星期五才去一個朋友的Goodbye party, 去了一個pub瘋了幾個小時,結束時大家閒瘋不夠就跑去一個朋友家喝酒順便聽舊日本動畫歌。七龍珠,Hunter,灌籃高手都跑出來了!不喝酒的我竟然還可以搞到12:40AM才走,到最後其實有點累了... 回家時還要送一個喝醉的韓國女孩回家,她家跟我地鐵剛好是同一站。

其實一路走回家還蠻好笑的,這是我第一次送喝醉的人回家。她那時會突然把手張開跑來跑去,也會說些有的沒有的。我還被她咬哩... 她咬了兩個人... Anyways, 總共大概走了15分鐘吧,然後雖然是半夜一點但感覺還蠻安全的。最後到她家時她還說不想回家,但喝醉的人所說的話其實都不用聽。我們站在門口幾秒,她不知為何都不進去。所以我就慢慢靠近她心想原來第一次就這樣... 然後... 我把門關上了。原來第一次送喝醉的人回家是這樣啊!好險她沒有很醉...

其實這不是我指的第一次。我不會做對不起我台灣高寶貝♥的事。OK, 我鬧夠了,回到正題。ㄟ,正題也是在鬧耶...


回到星期六,看完偶像劇後想到我需要剪頭髮,所以就心血來潮的拿剪刀跑進浴室。當然我對剪頭髮完全不懂。上網查了一下發現沒有很詳細的剪髮教學。加上我指有一把普通的剪刀,連打薄的剪刀都沒有。我心想,"不管了,死就死。" 我抱著這種心態脫光衣服返回浴室,順變拿了電腦和照相機。我按下Play鈕播放了我最愛的搖滾歌曲後開始瘋狂了。

我那時有很多問題但隨著Linkin Park的陪伴,我認為in the end, it doesn't even matter.過了40分鐘到一小時後我決定停下來了,我已經完全放棄了。大不了就帶帽子一直帶到12月回台灣。與其花$15加幣讓不會剪亞洲人頭髮的北美髮廊毀掉我的頭髮,不如我自己免費毀自己頭髮。Muahahahaha~~
以下有before和after, 外加一張我崩潰時照的。




Saturday, June 13, 2009

Art of Doing Nothing

Being the first saturday in 5 weeks that I've stayed at home, I feel extremely relaxed. I watched anime, TV shows, Taiwanese dramas, game videos, and just random Youtube videos of course. I played guitar until my fingers hurt and meditated on how to change the world. The feeling of having nothing to do has been praised by many wise sages of times past, but to actually experience this phenomenon is worthy of... at least a blog post.

The art of doing nothing is actually quite pitiful, not to mention paradoxical. But once we factor in a long continuous stream of busyness, a neverending torrent of errands and responsiblities, this art becomes irrefutably important. I, like any other guy in his primes, enjoy going out with friends to exotic cities or mountains filled with hiking trails and mosquito-infested lakes. But at some point in one's life, one must take a break from even enjoying life.

Be sure not to slumber into lazyness as many are prone to do, what I suggest is simply a little repose amidst the crazyness that is life. Today I refuse to do anything constructive. Today I will not use my time wisely though perhaps that is the wisest thing I can do. I will lie on my bed with my notebook computer in my lap. What I am doing is simply what any sane person would do, rest. And next saturday, I shall bid my newfound pleasure a wistful, albeit necessary, farewell.