I used to be an international student in Canada but as of yesterday I have become a permanent resident, which means I'm a local student... I think.
I like eating, sleeping, playing, and thinking. Je pense, donc je suis.
I seem to have an affinity for languages; besides the myriad of computer languages in my arsenal, I know a few other "common" languages.
While it may seem like a blessing, often it confuses me. It changes who I am.
從小就生活在多文化的環境中: 東亞, 東南亞, 印度, 北美, 歐洲, 澳洲, 大家都有好多不同的特徵.
像我這"gentleman"的個性 (可以叫個性嗎?) 是到台灣才發現我擁有的, 幫別人開門拿東西應該很普通啊! 一定是現在台灣年輕人太以自我為中心了...
Peut-être je devrais utiliser fraçais aussi. On pense que je parle français couramment après tout. Malheureusement, par rapport à mon anglais, je suis comme un bébé en français, un gros bébé asiatique... qui pese environ 65kg... J'adore les bébés.
That proves it, I am completely different when I think in different languages. The question is, who do I like the most? No, who do people like the most? Actually, who does God find the most pleasing?
I cannot be multiple persons, I cannot make everyone happy. What one person can understand another can't. So does that mean I translate everything I write? Do I ignore my uni-lingual friends and write in Chinese or do I use English even though that means a big majority of my writings will be either skipped over or misunderstood. I don't mean to show off or piss anyone off, but it's hard to stay in one language... It's like I phase in and out of different worlds constantly...
我真的希望我世界各地的朋友都可以看的懂我寫的每一篇文章, 但這好像不太可能發生. Tower of Babel 真的是好事嗎?
當然我也希望全世界的人都可以信主, 看到祂的真實, 接受祂的禮物... 但這種想法太天真了嗎?
他們到結婚生子又闖了一番事業才肯回台灣是他們的事, 其實這已經不叫做"回台灣"了, 這變成"去台灣度假".
I don't want to wait until I'm old to go back to Taiwan. I have food to taste, places to visit, girls to meet, people to save...
I love Taiwan. I love the people there... especially those I know... and some more than others.
The same goes for my friends here, which means I am again stuck between two worlds.
This probably makes no sense to most of you even if you can read all of it...
至少我有一個固定在耶穌裡不會改變的身份. I am His ambassador. 我是祂的兒子.