Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tony, a Servant of Christ Jesus

I wrote the following for a class introduction for a seminary course.
My name is 莊智超 (Tony Chuang). I was born in Taiwan, grew up in Malaysia, and did my Bachelor’s in Computer Science in the States only to finish it in Canada. I grew up in a Muslim country, was raised in a Buddhist, idol worshipping family and if not for God's grace, that’s what I'd still be doing today. But instead here I am, completely in love with and consumed by my savior king (cf. Heb 12:29). In fact, God has saved me from both physical death and spiritual death in my conversion. My heavenly Father has since done such an amazing work in my family that both my parents have saving faith in Christ too (my mom being the first in the family). Praise God! His promises are true (cf. Acts 16:31)! My dad himself got baptized less than two months ago!

I’m not married. I’m a geek by nature, a programmer by trade, currently living in the suburbs of Toronto, and pursuing full-time (M.Div.) God’s calling in my life to be a pastor because I now cannot imagine another way of life. I simply must preach! This fire is too intense for me to hold in (Jer 20:9)! Likewise, Hellfire is too damning for any of us to hold the gospel in…

My favorite question is “Are you passionately in love with God right now?” My goal is to hear resounding yes’s from everyone I ask this to. The man who’s influenced me the most is Charles Spurgeon. Evangelism plays a huge role in my life. I’d do anything, ANYTHING (Rom 9:3), to see lost souls come to truly know Christ, especially my older brother. It is to that end I pray nonstop (cf. 1 Thess 5:17) and for that end I try to work harder than anyone (cf. 1 Cor 15:10).

I look forward to learning more tools in Hermeneutics 2 that will help me properly exegete the Bible. It is only through this everlasting Word (Psa 119:89) that anyone can be saved (Acts 4:12) and I must be able to wield this double-edged sword (Heb 4:12) as properly as possible if I’m to be a mighty instrument of God. In other words, I have very high expectations for what I’m to learn in this class. I know I am still lacking in so many spiritual things and I have much to learn still. However, this knowledge is not for me, but for the lost. Yet not for them either, but for Christ.

Like Hudson Taylor said, “If I had a thousand pounds China should have it- if I had a thousand lives, China should have them. No! Not China, but Christ. Can we do too much for Him? Can we do enough for such a precious Saviour?”

No, we can never do enough! But alas, even if I fail and fall flat on my face (as I so often do), I fall on His grace. And oh what amazing grace! Class, let us push forth together always in the Spirit (Eph 6:18) and ever by His grace (Eph 2:8a)!

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