Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Uniform + Random Happenings

So we got new uniform at work a few days back.

Oh, for those that don't know yet, I've started to work a while back (almost right after I got my social insurance number). I work in the kitchen at this Japanese restaurant, the type that sells sushi, udon, and other miscellaneous Japanese food. I'm officially working as part-time even though I'm putting in full time hours. I think this allows the owner to not buy me insurance or something. Hope I don't lose a finger anytime soon, I already have a crack in my nail from bad cutting.

Speaking of cutting, I have never cut this many carrots, cabbage, potatoes, etc. in my life. And yet I still suck at it... I don't think I'm THAT slow, it's just that those guys are way too fast. According to "shifu", I'm only gonna cook when I get better at cutting.
Anyways, we got new uniform yesterday. It's this white jacket with black buttons and black sleeves. With this we actually look like chefs in a hotel as opposed to mere kitchen workers in a small restaurant. The black lower apron didn't change, but no one can see that anyways. Oh, one thing I should mention, I'm still wearing the "trainee" uniform, which sucks. It's not like I can't cook, he just won't let me, at least not the "hard stuff". If you come at lunch though, I make the easy stuff and you can try it.

On an unrelated note, a few of us from church went on a retreat last weekend. We hung out, played foosball half-watched two movies, went to the pool, and discussed predestination. Fun stuff. Hard to swallow at times, but awe-inspiring nonetheless. Oh, I heard Tears in Heaven on the guitar again on the retreat, so it's not just Conan who plays it... After going home and practicing, now I can play it too.

Side note: My dad hurt his lower back/hip a few days ago (閃到腰). I just got off work and saw him on the floor, apparently he could not even move. From his contorted figure, I could tell he was in agonizing pain. He's better now, but pray for him. He also audibly prayed to God for the first time, that's pretty sweet.

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