Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My crazy time in Montreal ~ 青春無敵!

Okay I have a lot I can write about that I've always been meaning to put in my blog but that I've always put off due to laziness. I'm creating a list of topics... I'll start writing in no particular order, unless someone really wants to hear one of them, then I'll start with that.

Going to the mountains ~ 跟大自然中的蒼蠅對話
Ratatouille ~ 我看了法文版後的感想...
6 boxes of memories ~ Jeffrey終於把東西寄給我了
Jazz festival ~ Stevie Wonder, 遊行, 煙火...
Party ~ BBQ, 接吻...
Taiwanese dramas ~ 敗犬痞子
Night club ~ 80年代的歌, 我好多的第一次... *羞*
Friends ~ 就大概說一下吧
God ~ 現在的關係

That's a lot of blog posts... And of course I'll be switching between English and Chinese... I'm not even sure who reads this, perhaps I'll do all Chinese... 這樣要好像很對不起國外的朋友... You decide.

I'm tired now, so nothing for today... I guess I'll start writing tomorrow... Any suggestions on the topic? 你們到底想知道什麼?

1 comment:

  1. 接吻sounds very interesting,heheee~ but I'm more curious bout the 跟大自然中的蒼蠅對話... 跟蒼蠅對話?!
