Wednesday, April 8, 2009

G-20 Summit without Taiwan

比較不想看英文的直接讀這篇就好了 ( 我真的很傷心, 也很生氣, 非常生氣...

The G-20 Summit this year was held in London on April 2nd.

For those of you unacquainted with the term, it is a meeting for the leaders of the top economies in this world (effectively the top 20 countries as determined by GDP). Actually it is the top 19 countries and the European Union. Check here for full details (

World leaders, smile!

As you can see here (, Taiwan ranks number 19. Yet Taiwan was conveniently left out (Iran was the only other nation left out too). So many other situations like this plague Taiwan's international affairs. What pisses me off is how this barring was not due to any fault on Taiwan's part... the injustice in this world eh? Is it bad that I hate this more than I hate murder?

Taiwan's economy qualifies us for a voice in the G-20 Summit, whatever the political issues, leaving Taiwan out is not the best thing for the global economy. I can write an article every week about the injustices done to Taiwan on an global level, across even "little" things like gaming conventions. But I won't do this every week for the sake of the diversity I want in my posts. For all you know my next post might be about zombies.

My goal is to raise awareness. Now that you are aware, spread the news and stand up to it when given the chance.

And now to talk to all you Taiwanese, stop bickering and be stronger. Screw oppression, screw misunderstandings, the world sees strength and money is power; as long as we are strong economically, everything else will follow. If you don't love Taiwan like I do, that's fine, just do your part for society. But if you actually hate Taiwan, make sure I don't hear you say that or you'll feel my wrath long after the sun goes down (unless you provide a intelligent logical explanation for your emotions).

I love Taiwan. That's the second time I confessed my love for Taiwan here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God that CCC doesn't go into politics... at CM2007, I was flag-bearer for Taiwan (by carrying the flag of ROC, that is). Even though it's just a gathering of CCC staff and students, all the people from Taiwan were very much delighted... seldom do you see the 青天白日滿地紅 alongside other national flags... see
