Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hi I'm Tony and I'm a workaholic.

Thanks to Michael Quach, I was able to find a job in the office last week. It's a software development firm, which is nice, since I'm actually doing something related to my major now.

I didn't want to quit my job at the sushi place so I'm now holding two jobs.
It's funny how I get to find jobs so easily while actual Canadians are having trouble finding work. I would feel a sense of guilt but I'm a workaholic who doesn't have time to reflect on petty emotions now.

Here's my daily routine:
I leave for work at 8:35AM, spend the day testing the program. My job as a tester is to break the program and find every single tiny bug in there. And when I run out of things to find, maybe I can finally do some messing around with the code, which is so much more fun. Yes, programming is fun for me. They use btw.

And then at 5:00PM I leave to hurry to the sushi place, where I now cut lettuce, onions, 茄子, zukinis, lobsters, and the like. I also burn my hand with 120 °C oil while making tempura. Did you know we tear lobsters in half while they are alive? It makes them more fresh. They can actually stay alive for a minute or two in that state, pretty intense. Anyways, we close up and eat dinner at 11PM. And then I finally get to go home, arriving around 11:15PM. So that was Monday through Wednesday. It seems 14 hours isn't enough stress (I'm conducting a stress test on my self to see how much I can handle, refer to this blog post), I wonder how much my body can take before it breaks down... I'm going to ask my sushi boss to give me more night shifts.

This comic would be more accurate if there's a kitchen scene.

I feel like I have so much time today since I only worked one job. So I calculated and I'm making quite a bit of money, I like it. :D There really aren't any workaholics in this world, just people who either need or love money, or both. Why would you do nothing when you can make money? I have 16 hours a day if I count 8 hours of sleep. So I'm wasting 2 hours not making money every day!

PS. I'm not completely serious here. I won't kill myself, don't worry. I am working a lot now though...

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