Friday, December 18, 2009

A Watery Situation

As I walked through the corridors of the 5th floor residence, I approached the humble little abode that is my room, my home away from home. The strong bass from my neighbors was sipping through the walls, creating a constant source of annoyance. I left the room to go for a quick dinner so that I can come back to study more of this thermodynamic stuff. Then lo and behold, the fire alarm went off. I was too laid back to even get mad at that time. I remember pointless small talk with my friends while we wait for the alarm to stop.

Eventually we went back. Eventually I finished my dinner in the cafeteria, eating what vaguely resembles healthy food but in reality is actually a trickster, poisoning our minds along with our bodies. I headed back to my room, unaware of what awaited me. Wading through the recently created river (slight exaggeration), I found my neighbors room completely drenched, along with the room across and further down from us.

So it seems they had a party. And in this party someone was holding on to a towel that somehow got caught in the sprinkler which then tore the sprinkler off, setting off not only the fire alarm, but the sprinklers of 5 rooms. I silently thanked God that for some reason my room was the only one not affected. However, the guy next to my room, the one sharing our suite, Allen, his wall became slightly moist. The next day maintenance guys came in and told him that he had to move.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so I'll stop writing and present you a 3000 word description.

Hallway- Drying the walls.

My room - We have been marked.

Inside my suite - These machines are quite noisy.

Now I have no roommate, he had to move to Simcoe, the other residence. A mixed emotion of joy and sadness fills up. Happy that I can finally be alone but sad that Allen had to go. In any case...

Peace out and may God be with you in your future endeavors.

Monday, November 23, 2009


妳說不應該期待太多, 但我沒辦法.
拯救世界, 維護正義, 當超人... 這些都是小孩子的夢想, 但為什麼我放不下?

看到這一切, 被放在這裡, 認識這種人... 巧合早已不能當一個可以接受的解釋了.
我知道這遠遠超越我的能力, 但我還是會繼續.
壓力很大, 相處很累, 時間很短... 但我的心不讓我坐視不管...
明知會失望, 會受打擊... 但我沒辦法只付出一半...
我要希望...我要幫他... 哈...我要當超人...

替我禱告, no... pray for him instead...

Saturday, November 14, 2009


之前因為Halloween所以隨便寫了一篇, 但其實我近期有發生好多值得寫下來的事.
對, 這個時候你們大概都期待我開始述說我那多采多姿的大學生活對嗎? 錯!
我現在有點寫不了那些東西, 有太多太多可以講的導致我什麼都講不了.

好啦, 你們大部分的人大概也不期待什麼. 大部分大概也是透過facebook看到我有一個"note"所以點進去看而已, 雖然我還是希望大家先連去
能看到這裡還繼續了話也真是恭喜妳了, 很少人會能忍受這種沒有內涵又低於小學程度的文章.

其實我在想, 我以後小孩會用什麼語言跟我溝通啊? 我是因該用中文, 但如果用英文了話他這樣會英文超強的. 如果加點法文會不會反而讓他三個語言都很爛? 我老婆一定要很會中文才行, 要不然小孩中文還得了! 加上留著第十一代的純台灣血統的我怎麼可以就這樣讓它跟其他血混合呢? 喔對, 我幹嘛擔心這些, 因該先擔心找女朋友這件事...

我一直認為過這種沒女朋友的生活很ok啊. 反正我喜歡的女生都在台灣被這無情的太平洋分離, 要不然就是男的.. ㄟ! 我最好就會把我的感情史寫在部落格上啦, 開玩笑... 把我當白痴嗎? 我要交往當然是選虛擬人物摟, 好保養又可以隨時save&load. 不爽就找cheat或直接修改程式.

好啦, 其實我內心是一個很孤單的小男人... TT ok, 半個小女人... TT
我有點忘記我在打什麼了, 就這樣結束好了.
PS. 請別誤會, 我現在過的很好, 一點都不孤單, 也沒有什麼可能的交往對象... 除了 ***
PSS. Muahahaha, 讓你們不斷的猜測真好玩~

喜歡這種style嗎? 喜歡就留言喲, choo~ >.0

Sunday, November 1, 2009

KISS at Halloween 2009

So we dressed up as KISS for Halloween this year. It was awesome. Check full details, along with descriptions of what we did, where we were, etc. at my facebook album (here) or my picasa gallery (here).

For those of you already on facebook, this is my blog (Click Me!), I set new posts from my blog to link to my facebook notes.

See the rest of the band in my album!

台灣的朋友們, 你們不慶祝萬聖節太可惜了!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

馬超 的靈修天地

~For those that are unfortunate enough to be unable to read Chinese, my condolences to you... This talks about my online quiet time journal.~



我的弟兄姐妹們啊:為了更認識神我希望固定每天靈修,然後每個禮拜寫2-3篇文章跟大家分享 (除非有大事)。
沒做到的話請用充滿愛心的話提醒我吧~~ (要假裝我用很甜美的聲音說這句話)
唯物主義的朋友們,第一個提醒我的人我會請你吃飯 (限量,而且很有可能是大餐喔)。


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Transfer Credits

So after a 1.5 year hiatus, I'm back to school... and needing God.

I should be a third year student based on "transferable credits", but because of a different major (Computer Science now instead of Computer Engineering), I'll accept being a second year. But no~~~ They put me as first year.

It seems submitting the required documents in June wasn't early enough to get it all processed in time before registration ends. I have 3 core classes transferred, that's it. I'm watching $80,000 of my previous university's tuition go down the drain (40 if they do their job and at least transfer something)... And... But I'll cut the complaining and get to the point:

You, yes, you! You can help.

I have 3 more classes that right now, if transferred, could potentially save me one year. These are:
CSCI 2010U - Principles of Computer Science
CSCI 2050U - Computer Architecture
MATH 1020U - Calculus II

I've taken all those courses before in Georgia Tech equivalents. That's it, that'll save me one year and $10,000. I just want to receive credits for what I've already done, is that really too much to ask? And yes there are other courses awaiting transfer, but these are the pivotal ones.

Back to how you can help:
1. Pray to God that these 3 courses will transfer.
2. Buy me dinner, or give me some chocolate. I need compassion right now...

哇~~~~~~~~ T.T
I feel somewhat angry and stressed. But another part of me feels calm because I know whatever happens is going to be what God plans. Ya, this can't be worse than what happened at my last university. It's times like this that makes you glad to be Christian. Well, and death... But I'm getting sidetracked...

Oh, here's my campus. The University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

An old memory

I found this in one of my boxes of memory today... This was probably from 2007. The following is quoted from a handwritten note card:

For Tony: "You're Great!" :)
Hey Tony! We like the things you do.
Hey Tony, if we could we would be you!
You're the one and only Tiger, who makes our dreams come true.
Because it's your birthday, we 'll eat sushi too!
Tony Chuang... You're more than good, you're Grreat! (w/ thumbs up)

I still have that duck with the message that I'll obey someday in the future.

I'm eating Sushi on Friday.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Un conte... en français

I've written multiple essays in French, but no stories. For the French language school I'm studying in now, and after a few months of intensive learning, I've finally written one. The question we needed to answer with the story was (translated): "Why don't we have people with blue and green hair now?" This was my first story (in French) and, as befitting my style, was draped with the uncomfortable truths that I see in this world. I spent so long on this story that it wouldn't do it justice by just letting it be without "publishing" it.

I wonder how many people will read this... Ah, ça m'est égal. Bienvenue à vos commentaires (et les corrections). Et non, je n'apprenais pas encore le passé simple... Maintenant je l'ai remis avec le passé simple... et oui ma texte est probablement un peu inesthétique grammaticalement... parfois... Mais quand même, je bien essayais...

La Nature Humaine

Il était une fois, à une époque où la terre était divisée en plusieurs royaumes avec des tribus barbares partout, la guerre était la seule chose que les gens connaissaient, la seule raison pour laquelle les hommes vivaient, et le seul futur auquel les enfants pouvaient s’attendre. C’était aussi un temps où beaucoup de gens étaient nés avec les cheveux bleus et verts. Il n’y avait aucune raison pour que les bébés naissent comme ça. Peut-être c’était à cause d’une mutation génétique, ou peut-être que la terre avait entendu le besoin des royaumes, ou peut-être que les dieux eux-mêmes l’avaient décidé.
Mais ce qu’on sait avec certitude, c’est qu’ils avaient des aptitudes surhumaines et des pouvoirs surnaturels. Ils formèrent des armées d’élites dans chaque royaume et s’appelèrent « Les Défenseurs du Monde ». Les rois avaient besoin de quelqu’un pour se défendre contre les barbares. Donc, pour la première mission des Défenseurs, les rois le leur demandèrent. Les Défenseurs gagnèrent facilement le premier combat sans même une goutte de sueur. Ils revinrent dans leurs royaumes respectifs comme héros ; leur simple existence était une aubaine pour les habitants qui avaient vécu sans espoir pendant trop longtemps. Ils avaient projeté de donner toutes les dépouilles à leurs rois, envers qui ils étaient complètement loyaux, mais les rois les leur avaient plutôt données. Finalement, la danse, le chant… le bonheur avaient commencé à revenir à la terre.
Ils continuaient de combattre les barbares, afin que leurs compatriotes puissent vivre, en les poussant de plus en plus loin, en les vainquant lentement mais sûrement. Ils apportèrent graduellement la paix à la terre autrefois déchirée par la guerre, la vie aux pays autrefois mourants, et surtout l’espoir aux peuples autrefois désespérés. Ils aimaient leurs royaumes inconditionnellement et voulaient seulement que le combat arrête. Au fur et à mesure que la campagne s’éternisait, les gens commençaient à craindre que les Défenseurs furent trop dangereux. Ils pensaient qu’une telle force irrésistible pouvait seulement venir des fosses les plus profondes d’Hadès. Ainsi, les héros autrefois célèbres étaient devenus des monstres abominables.
Plus ils gagnaient, plus les gens les craignaient. Plus ils étaient parfaits, plus ils devenaient répugnants. Plus ils se sacrifiaient pour leurs compatriotes bien-aimés, plus ils étaient détestés. La peur avait poussé les gens à oublier tout ce que les Défenseurs avaient fait pour eux. Les héros terminèrent éventuellement la campagne contre les barbares, en apportant vraiment la paix. Mais au lieu de les remercier, les gens les voulaient morts. Les royaumes conspirèrent en vue de tuer les héros en leur ordonnant de se battre l’un contre l’autre. Après avoir juré de ne jamais tuer un autre Défenseur, ils réalisèrent qu’ils ne pourraient jamais tuer leur propre peuple. Et bien sûr, les rois le savaient lorsqu’ils le leur demandèrent.
Ce qui suivit fut un massacre. Les royaumes s’unifièrent et émirent l’ultimatum de chasser et tuer tous les Défenseurs. Ils auraient pu détruire les royaumes. Ils auraient dû jeter leurs amours pour l’humanité. Ils auraient vécu s’ils l’avaient fait. Mais ils ne l’ont pas fait… La terre était peinte en rouge sanglant et jonchée de taches de bleu et de vert. La plupart d’entre eux moururent, le reste se cacha. De ceux qui survécurent, il y avait ceux qui avaient promis de protéger les gens des ombres, malgré tout ce qui arriva. Ils juraient de faire tout ce qu’ils pouvaient pour prévenir une autre tragédie comme ça, spécialement à l’intérieur même des peuples. Ils sont parmi nous aujourd’hui, déguisés comme des êtres humains normaux, en intervenant dans des guerres et en faisant attention à nous tous les jours. Les gens ne savent même plus qu’il était une fois, les peuples surhumains existaient, et qu’ils existent encore, avec les cheveux bleus et verts totalement naturels, bien qu’ils soient teintés d’une sombre histoire avec une couleur foncée qui ne sera jamais éliminée.
Mais qu’est-ce qui s’est passé avec l’autre moitié des Défenseurs restants ? Ce que la peur peut faire à une personne, la trahison peut faire pire. Après avoir été trahis, ils firent voeux de se venger. Ils existent aussi encore aujourd’hui, en s’appelant eux-mêmes « Les Déchus ». Ils sont la cause des guerres qu’on a, la faim qui est là, les catastrophes qui se passent. Un rappel permanent de ce qu’on fit, du sang honorable qu’on versa de manière ingrate, de la paix qu’on jeta… de notre péché, de notre nature humaine.

Monday, July 27, 2009

C'est completely 亂了


À quoi est-ce que je réfléchis?
Has my theological learnings deteriorated that much?
Or am I just totally confused?
Si c'est vrai, et alors? Ça veut dire quoi? Je devrais mettre fin à mes études? I should become an uncaring loner? 我沒辦法不關心。Can I?


Saturday, July 18, 2009


So... All you English only folks, after last post's semi-survey it seems like you don't read these anyways. So don't come complaining to me later, saying, "Oh, I can't read your blog because it's in Chinese~" Too bad. And no these are not notes, these are from "", just automatically imported to facebook (which by the way destroys my format). Now let's begin...


之前都沒有去過夜店因為我本來就不曾對這些東西有興趣過。我從小就是那種不可能被禁足的小孩。對我來說,逼我幾點後才能回家才是真的處罰。除了打球以外我是完全沒有其他在外面會想做的事... 高三的時候好像每個星期五會去看電影(馬來西亞電影超便宜的!),然後可能玩一點arcade. 唱KTV是2008年才真的開始的... 要不然我出去都是上山啊,去光華商場,夜市,教會,7-11,小福,台大醫學院... 之類的。我知道有點跳tone, 所以我才有個很奇怪的朋友叫我跳tone Tony~~
Anyways! 然後來這裡後突然變的會去酒吧, 然後這次又去夜店。


我以前不去夜店有很多原因。1. 它要錢。2. 它很吵。3. 它要我出門。
Okay, 再來我覺得夜店音樂太大聲了,自己說話都聽不清楚... 這樣喉嚨好累喔,更別說對耳朵的傷害...
還有我本來就是一個不太愛出門的人。現在很多人覺得我很外向... 那是因為我現在比較看重朋友,為了見朋友出門一下是直得的。我不想再失去朋友了...
當然還有很多其他原因,像有很奇怪的人,花時間... 但前三個原因就是這些。



夜店好多人喔,那是ㄧ家叫作Café Campus的夜店。它播的音樂都是80年代的,然後每個星期二免費入場,外加啤酒一杯只要一塊加幣。所以星期二看到的幾乎都是學生。我去的時候遇到的很多我們學校的人,墨西哥人好像特別多就是了。我去那邊證明了沒有酒也可以丟人現眼的亂跳。但比我瘋的多的是;像有個聽說每個禮拜都會去的中年上班族,他身體扭的讓人非常不舒服。還有聽Tina說有一些會貼的很緊的人... 當然我們那一群以起跳也有一些很奇怪的舞步出現,還有一些很gay的東西。Masashi 那樣讓我好害羞喲~ XD
我記得跳了1-2個小時後我們一些人去樓上休息一下。我和一個本地人用法文聊了起來。他剛畢業然後現在在Montreal工作,最後還鼓勵我說法文講得不錯。人真好。(為什麼每次跟我"搭訕"的都是男生!? XD)最後我們差不多12:40AM離開為了趕最後一班列車。

我們那一群人有個常喝"醉"的韓國人(不是真的醉但很接近),然後每次都是我負責送她回家。這次很感恩的是有另外一個人幫我照顧她,就是注意她不被車撞啊之類的。Sunny, 太感謝妳了~ 回家也是很特別的經驗,還要小心不要吵到homestay的媽媽。好久沒有回家需要小聲了... 那天晚上還有更好笑的事但... 下次說好了。ㄟ,哥哥,有人很喜歡你給的超大Glue。

然後隔天星期三很累的去上課... 以後大概不會去了吧,就除非是朋友生日或要離開。但我還是適合宅再家裡。

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My crazy time in Montreal ~ 青春無敵!

Okay I have a lot I can write about that I've always been meaning to put in my blog but that I've always put off due to laziness. I'm creating a list of topics... I'll start writing in no particular order, unless someone really wants to hear one of them, then I'll start with that.

Going to the mountains ~ 跟大自然中的蒼蠅對話
Ratatouille ~ 我看了法文版後的感想...
6 boxes of memories ~ Jeffrey終於把東西寄給我了
Jazz festival ~ Stevie Wonder, 遊行, 煙火...
Party ~ BBQ, 接吻...
Taiwanese dramas ~ 敗犬痞子
Night club ~ 80年代的歌, 我好多的第一次... *羞*
Friends ~ 就大概說一下吧
God ~ 現在的關係

That's a lot of blog posts... And of course I'll be switching between English and Chinese... I'm not even sure who reads this, perhaps I'll do all Chinese... 這樣要好像很對不起國外的朋友... You decide.

I'm tired now, so nothing for today... I guess I'll start writing tomorrow... Any suggestions on the topic? 你們到底想知道什麼?

Sunday, June 21, 2009




我星期六一個人在家一整天,看了一些偶像劇後不知道幹什麼。我好難得有2個週末那麼閒,宅在家裡真幸福... 其實我星期五才去一個朋友的Goodbye party, 去了一個pub瘋了幾個小時,結束時大家閒瘋不夠就跑去一個朋友家喝酒順便聽舊日本動畫歌。七龍珠,Hunter,灌籃高手都跑出來了!不喝酒的我竟然還可以搞到12:40AM才走,到最後其實有點累了... 回家時還要送一個喝醉的韓國女孩回家,她家跟我地鐵剛好是同一站。

其實一路走回家還蠻好笑的,這是我第一次送喝醉的人回家。她那時會突然把手張開跑來跑去,也會說些有的沒有的。我還被她咬哩... 她咬了兩個人... Anyways, 總共大概走了15分鐘吧,然後雖然是半夜一點但感覺還蠻安全的。最後到她家時她還說不想回家,但喝醉的人所說的話其實都不用聽。我們站在門口幾秒,她不知為何都不進去。所以我就慢慢靠近她心想原來第一次就這樣... 然後... 我把門關上了。原來第一次送喝醉的人回家是這樣啊!好險她沒有很醉...

其實這不是我指的第一次。我不會做對不起我台灣高寶貝♥的事。OK, 我鬧夠了,回到正題。ㄟ,正題也是在鬧耶...


回到星期六,看完偶像劇後想到我需要剪頭髮,所以就心血來潮的拿剪刀跑進浴室。當然我對剪頭髮完全不懂。上網查了一下發現沒有很詳細的剪髮教學。加上我指有一把普通的剪刀,連打薄的剪刀都沒有。我心想,"不管了,死就死。" 我抱著這種心態脫光衣服返回浴室,順變拿了電腦和照相機。我按下Play鈕播放了我最愛的搖滾歌曲後開始瘋狂了。

我那時有很多問題但隨著Linkin Park的陪伴,我認為in the end, it doesn't even matter.過了40分鐘到一小時後我決定停下來了,我已經完全放棄了。大不了就帶帽子一直帶到12月回台灣。與其花$15加幣讓不會剪亞洲人頭髮的北美髮廊毀掉我的頭髮,不如我自己免費毀自己頭髮。Muahahahaha~~
以下有before和after, 外加一張我崩潰時照的。




Saturday, June 13, 2009

Art of Doing Nothing

Being the first saturday in 5 weeks that I've stayed at home, I feel extremely relaxed. I watched anime, TV shows, Taiwanese dramas, game videos, and just random Youtube videos of course. I played guitar until my fingers hurt and meditated on how to change the world. The feeling of having nothing to do has been praised by many wise sages of times past, but to actually experience this phenomenon is worthy of... at least a blog post.

The art of doing nothing is actually quite pitiful, not to mention paradoxical. But once we factor in a long continuous stream of busyness, a neverending torrent of errands and responsiblities, this art becomes irrefutably important. I, like any other guy in his primes, enjoy going out with friends to exotic cities or mountains filled with hiking trails and mosquito-infested lakes. But at some point in one's life, one must take a break from even enjoying life.

Be sure not to slumber into lazyness as many are prone to do, what I suggest is simply a little repose amidst the crazyness that is life. Today I refuse to do anything constructive. Today I will not use my time wisely though perhaps that is the wisest thing I can do. I will lie on my bed with my notebook computer in my lap. What I am doing is simply what any sane person would do, rest. And next saturday, I shall bid my newfound pleasure a wistful, albeit necessary, farewell.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009



我現在終於知道眼影要怎麼畫才比較自然,加一個假睫毛真的會讓一個人眼睛大2-3倍。原來眼影筆不難用嗎。但不去除討厭的黑眼圈還是會前功盡棄... 真麻煩。還有修容粉原來那麼好用!真想練習一下...

我一生大概只畫過4-5次妝(for 舞台劇)所以我經驗很明顯的不足。而且那幾次完全沒有但我對這世界的了解還算蠻ok的吧,雖然在化妝達人面前還是會像小孩。有些女生真的是很厲害;化妝前後判若兩人!我說的是真的會走過然後認不出來那種!加上照像的ㄧ些技巧她們已經可以去跟詐騙集團拼了...

我現在越來越欣賞那些素顏的女生。我覺得在這個時代不化妝需要有一定的自信與意念。但大學生不算,她們沒化妝都是因為懶... Anyways, 所為的"正妹"都是塑造出來的,我已經不會相信她們了... 但身為男生我還是會覺得她們變漂亮啦。But...

我是半個女生。我早上沒有洗澡的習慣,通常刷牙換衣服後就出門了... 最近我早上需要的時間越來越長了:
我今天早上起床後刷牙,然後把頭髮稍微壓扁一點。再來回房間站在衣櫥前想了幾分鐘今天要穿什麼。真的很難決定因為我衣服不多(很多在美國) 然後每天又要見到同樣的人,不運用一點創意會讓我的穿著很單調。
再來我用我的紐西蘭Placenta Cream 護臉,不這樣我臉的肌膚就慘了。臉要用不同的cream去保護,不能把臉當身體:亂擦一下就好。用心去愛你的臉肌膚他才會愛你。還有炸食可是臉最大的敵人 (還有熬夜)。當然護唇膏也是一定要的,不擦了話會在我嘴唇上看到大峽谷。

註:我的Placenta Cream

整體來講用保養品是維持年輕的大幫手。化妝品則會加快老化,不管粉底或隔離霜用多高級的... 各為姐妹們,要用化妝品了話記住:Less is more. 還有別忘了保養。
Anyways, 輕輕的按摩完我的臉後我開始整理一下頭髮,讓它至少有個形 (但這裡的高濕度讓我很難搞定)。
我是半個女生 >.o

討厭,還沒說完就寫結論了,本來還想聊聊心事的說... pu~ *嘟嘴*

我到了需要照顧皮膚的年紀了嗎?我那麼care別人的看法嗎?我雖知道很多化妝上的技巧但實際上我只有再保養;我皮膚很容易裂或脫皮所以在冷天氣不保養不行。但今天這樣讓我開始仔細想1 Samuel 16:7 和Galatians 1:10. 多少才算over? 我之前那超拉塌的樣子不好,現在走向過度care的狀態。平衡點真難找...
要學習也要教導,要有夢想也要實際,要救濟也要養家,要愛好的和恨壞的,要隨合但要在對的時候堅決,要注重形象但要不管外表... 很難想像這麼難的事在基督裡有完美的平衡。你更認識他就知道我的意思了。Trust me ;)
我還在尋找平衡點,現在對我而言我的行動只有因與果:我想更了解世界,所以我看新聞。我想更了解人性,所以我讀哲學。我想更了解神,所以我禱告。我想更了解女性,所以我... 寧願當半個女生。

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thoughts... on Learning French in Canada

~Go to my blog to read this, otherwise the formatting probably sucks~

So I've been in Canada for almost 3 weeks now, Montreal to be precise. I feel obligated to update all of you what I've been up to. I must also apologize to my uni-lingual friends for writing so much in Chinese. 你看我因為你們忽視多少人... 開玩笑啦 :D

It didn't take long for me to adjust at all, being already familiar with North American culture and all. Speaking French was a bit more challenging for me at first, but now all my previous years of learning French has come back to me and speaking is no longer akin to an intense work-out. All languages, Chinese, English, French, C, Java, Assembly, etc. follow set principals. Once you get the underlying concept, all that's left is memorizing vocabulary and practice, lots of practice.

I am studying at a language school called the ILSC, learning French until September, which is when I'll go to Toronto or Oshawa to complete my degree. It is extremely diverse a the school; by that I mean there are a lot of different nations represented here in relation to its small size. Let me show you what I mean:

Last Friday I (Taiwanese) played soccer with Brazilians, Colombians, Mexicans, Japanese, Koreans, Italians, and some others I wasn't sure (Venezuelans most likely). This was in a group of 22. Tomorrow I'll have a Swiss housemate, so that'll be interesting too. For a third culture kid like me, this is a dream come true. It's a bit sad that there are almost no Taiwanese here... and so few Asians learning French.

Because of the South Americans (and francophone culture), I am getting used to the kiss on the cheeks greetings. People here are also more touchy; it is completely normal to put your arms around people. 哈,我回台灣時應該把這裡的文化帶回去。Basically, just imagine a French city that also speaks English. Culturally, it is more French but the diversity here changes everything. To make it easier for yourself, come visit me and you will know what I mean.

Note: This happens everyday.

The other day a Korean guy bought me coffee, a really delicious Moccaccino for which I am quite grateful. In addition the Italian guy in my class treated me to a nice Italian restaurant one time too. We had a decent glass of red wine to go with our pasta that lunch. 對,我很有男生緣。XD

The only downside now is that almost nobody speaks French after class since everyone who is learning French also knows English well, except one. I wish more people would speak to me in French but for now I am already thankful for the one Japanese girl. She integrated me into the "Asian" crowd. You can't imagine how happy I am to find a fellow Asian learning French. Hard as I may try, the majority of friends I have here are Japanese and Korean. Go figure. *Stress on majority*

C'est tout. I'll take any question you have. Ask me and you shall receive an answer.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

[Part 2]09台灣遊之灰熊精采



哈哈,我上次去動物園大概是中學的時候吧,超久以前的。我們去好像是耍白癡的,沒有幾張正常的照片;但我其實還比較喜歡這樣,這樣照片會比較有意思 (加上我有drama queen之名號)。
好像沒什麼好說的... Amy她們好像還蠻愛玩的,好像去哪裡玩都是跟她們... 或我表姐。Anyways, 我們看到了孤單的貓熊團團(圓圓好像被隔離之類的),那時候還以為排隊會很久,沒想到15分鐘就好了,不錯不錯。但看完沒有什麼特別感想,就貓熊而已... 但至少現在我可以說我親眼看過貓熊。
我們還跟想吸大麻的台灣黑熊拍照。喔還有一個裝可愛比賽,我贏了詩怡。很厲害吧噗喲 >.<

反正就動物園,能看的就那些,那天玩的蠻高興的 (因為照很多很誇張照片,反而照很少動物 XD)。

註: 有好多經典的照片,要看去facebook看吧。

我表姐Amy 3月去日本,這次4月了又是去日本。而且時間都剛好是我回來的那一個禮拜,那麼巧啊...
BTW, 她很喜歡玩紙上遊戲,想買了話她有在團購,可以找她。還有很多人都說她很可愛,一定是優良血統。
我不是在幫她們徵友,只是說說。但你認為你配的上她們了話請留言,我來interview. XD
*OK, 開玩笑*

為什麼剛剛說到親戚呢?因為我的親戚寶寶與波波請我吃TGI Friday's! For波波這可是超難得的,所以我很感謝她們。但我記得是小舅媽掏錢包的,ㄟ妳們還她錢了嗎?
為了表示感恩我送上了高及白咖啡與經典馬來西亞零食Twisities. 波波,我會幫妳找國外男友的。呵呵~
Friday's有很典型的美國風味。我點了一個配上很讚的醬的漢堡,嗯~~好好吃喔。其他人點了Fajitas之類的東西還有Chicken Tenders。嗯,是高興的ㄧ晚。


我還吃了很特別的番茄牛肉麵,去圓山大飯店享受精緻的下午茶,吃了幾次很不錯的日式拉麵,吃了每次回台灣一定會吃的鼎泰豐,當然還有嚐到"早安!美芝城"的早餐。難怪盧廣仲會寫那種歌。我還有去幾家連我都不知道的公館餐廳... 好肥喔,真的是一直在吃 XD

我考到了機車駕照,而且我是用自己的機車。覺得正常嗎?No, it was not.
我一個人去的。我考照的地方在淡水那裡(北邊),但我騎啊騎啊竟然到板橋了!我那時還在想為什麼路很不熟... 結果我只好沿路問人最近的捷運站在哪,到了竹子翠站進去拿了一個地圖才又騎去考機車,還差點沒油。最後考試的時候當然就過瞜,畢竟我已經騎了那麼久了。他們竟然沒有問我怎麼來的,看到我一個人騎著車進去不會懷疑我無照駕駛嗎?
所以那天花了3個多小時就為了考機車,而且那天是第一天騎機車耶! 小朋友,不要違法,這是不好的,一定要有駕照才上路。


那天會考駕照是因為晚上要用到機車;加上我本來就很機車,所以很match對吧?我晚上去威秀看Monster Vs. Aliens; 告訴你,很好笑,你一定要去看!還沒到"超"好看這個境界但還是很值得看的ㄧ部卡通。啊~那晚笑好多次喔,而且是那種難以控制的大笑。:D 旁邊那位"懶兒"睡著了,真奇怪... PS. 這名字好像是Amy亂取的,連她都不想要。
詩怡和小龜去了church, 後來我和詩怡又花了很多時間討論基督教,生命的意義,還有...一些聽說只有室友知道的事,呵呵呵。在這裡勉勵她一下吧:在這邊沒辦法講太詳細,但簡單說她比正常人還會思考,而且是愛思考。
這次好像沒有跟太多團契的人碰面,還蠻少這樣的... 誰叫他們都不知道在忙啥(很難約你知道嗎)。

我想要藉這個部落格好好謝謝所有跟我出去過的人:我知道能跟我這超人在一起已經是如此不可思議了,但還是要感謝他們。對我來說是假期所以我時間多的要命,但對那些不是在公作就是在上課的人時間沒那麼充裕。所以:謝謝抽空。還有這次有請我吃過飯的,謝謝 (大部分是長輩)!
不要看Amy她平常那副**樣子,她還蠻重義氣的。在江湖上她可是寧願槓上武林七大派也不會離棄朋友的。詩怡就不確定了... 好啦,我真的要謝謝妳們,我很感動。除了需要上帝外應該沒欠缺什麼吧。要有自信,自信。其他要說的上次都說了,大不了MSN在說... *妳這樣滿足了吧?*


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

[Part 1]09台灣遊之假Goodbye

這次我要直接從這裡link我blog的網址, 點我

我答應過大家我會寫一下之前在台灣的旅遊日記... 過了一個多月後我終於要寫了 XD
我其實有蠻多要寫的,但因為這樣會太長了所以我只寫飯局以外的事。對我每一天都有至少一個飯局,有跟爸媽啊,外公啊,基恩啊... 很多。


我第一次釣蝦超爛的... 最後只釣到3隻,而且2隻是因為老闆幫我很多 :(
但高興的是我旁邊的人超~好的。她雖然是老手,但因為看到我釣的很辛苦,所以她一隻都沒釣起來!人很好吼?Amy, 妳不需要再假裝妳很爛,下次盡量釣沒關係。妳這樣的話不夠敏感的人會覺得妳是真的很爛!妳的貼心我感受到了,謝謝。By the way, 我絕對絕對絕對無諷刺之意!
烤蝦的時候蝦子還一直跳來跳去,然後慢慢的ㄧ個一個死掉;有幾隻蝦還跳出我們用來烤的鐵籠子!當時雖然感覺有點殘忍,但反正它們不會感受痛 (有"觸覺"但"痛"的定義關係到腦部活動)。而且吃下去的時候就不會想那麼多了 :D

註:你注意看我衣服領子的話會發現我是被中間的詩怡抓進來的 XD

Anyways, 醫學院有禱告會是好的,請你們為所有禱告會禱告吧。
再來就是護理之夜:Fight for Who! Who? Who? 護理!!!
我是第一次看到一段舞裡面有那麼多人被暗殺,哈哈哈!我們也沒有看完整個故事,綺聖表演完我們就走了。這好像是一個平民和一個公主的愛情故事,但後來出現了hip-hop忍者... Ya... 台大護士真奇怪... 其實台大醫學院都很怪... 其實台大的學生都是怪咖 XD 難怪我那麼喜歡他們。

你採過海芋嗎? 我有,在陽明山... 坐公車坐了很久後迎接我們的不是一片耀眼的花園,而是另外一個接駁車... 再來到了嗎?No! 再來還有一段超長的路要走... 我們到的時後你知道看到什麼嗎?巴士站!那時為什麼不是直接坐到那呢?那就要問導遊了... 好啦,其實走那段路有看風景啊那些,還蠻享受的啦。加上我再這樣機車下去Amy應該會把我殺了吧,我需要John當擋箭牌 XD
Okay, 過程呢... 沒有時間限制但採一支海芋要10元,ㄟ,其實我有點忘記了... 是多少啊?重點是我們在他們設定的區域慢慢的挑選最漂亮的海芋。海芋生長在水池裡,所以他們需要放很多條小路讓人可以行走。雖然這樣但好的海芋都離路很遠,採那些的時候要整個人蹲下來,一手抓住旁邊的人,一手伸到海芋的根... 整個人其實有點感覺會掉進水池,真驚險...

註:代表作- 這張照出了竹子園的壯觀,一直到後面房子那都是海芋,而這只是其中一個區域!

我跟韡承去師大吃了炸香菇,綠色臭豆腐,還有可麗餅 (Crepe)。我們還拿到免費的可麗餅因為好像有個新人在練習,lucky~
炸香菇不錯吃但臭豆腐金好吃喔,我覺得並沒有比公館的那一家好但I like~ 不知道公館哪一家嗎?跟我說,我下次回台灣帶你去。其實我很喜歡嘗試新的餐廳,要跟我一起冒險了話也可以說一聲,RPG裡英雄都需要夥伴。

下一次返台是三個禮拜後的事,那次是真的say goodbye了。
Part 2 會講那時候的事,那一次返台的遊玩心得 。
~To be Continued~

Thursday, April 23, 2009



哈哈,看來這篇會是一個完全沒有內容的爛文章,因為我等下打算用亂寫的方式混過去 XD
加上我文筆本來就不怎樣... 嗯,你為什麼還在讀?

這次終於要去了,終於簽證沒問題呀,終於沒有忘記文件... 終於要離開台灣一段時間了
我2007 12月被趕出美國,現在也2009了... $@!#,時間怎麼過的那麼快?
2008真的是充滿回憶的ㄧ年,真的認識了很多人,交了一些朋友,去日本,遇到可以與我白頭偕老的那一位... 但我和John一天就分手了 (看這篇, facebook的鄉民還不趕快直接到我部落格, facebook可是沒format的)

行李還是沒進展... Anyways!
終於要走了,我還沒感覺到這一次真的要走那種心情... 等一下,我在試一次
Nope, 還是沒感覺,反正我Christmas應該還是會回來幾個禮拜,要不然我就是太習慣這種要離開的心情...
PS. 我現在開始懷疑到底有幾個人跟的上我的思路,好像蠻亂的... 我也懶的整理, screw it

行李啊,你就自己收自己啊,還要我收,夠大牌... (心裡想的是"Let the dead bury their own dead", 哈哈...不get it沒關係... XD)
終於要離開我的愛了... 把愛~~剪碎了隨風吹向大海~~ (Pacific)
我發現啊... 我的幽默感很奇怪,找到真的懂我笑點的ㄧ定要珍惜...

行李: "認真點啊小子!"
我有很多依依不捨,有點想要繼續在這裡的生活,不太想離開朋友,還有女六的那些白癡"姐姐們"... John, 你同意吧,7號, 你不需要回答
台灣應該和我一起靈修但會偷懶的,別翹課,喔當然也要靈修... ya
台灣的Tony, 不就是我嗎?真帥 *陶醉*
台灣的寶貝,what? 誰誰!?
這次不是幾個月就回來... actually, 12月也才幾個月... 被自己嗆... 好悲慘...
OK 所以這次也是幾個月就回來了... 那我幹嘛say goodbye成這個樣子,奇怪...

行李: "..."
我: "幹嘛?"
行李: "你有夠白癡耶"
我: "... 還輪不倒你罵,我跟你講話已經夠給面子了"
行李: "靠貝... 還趕頂嘴!還不快整理!"  <--(有沒有感覺某人上身? 莫名其妙... 別亂上我行李的身!)

我: "還說髒話... 好啦好啦,我去整理"
終於要去收拾了,竟然跟行李說話... 誒...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

G-20 Summit without Taiwan

比較不想看英文的直接讀這篇就好了 ( 我真的很傷心, 也很生氣, 非常生氣...

The G-20 Summit this year was held in London on April 2nd.

For those of you unacquainted with the term, it is a meeting for the leaders of the top economies in this world (effectively the top 20 countries as determined by GDP). Actually it is the top 19 countries and the European Union. Check here for full details (

World leaders, smile!

As you can see here (, Taiwan ranks number 19. Yet Taiwan was conveniently left out (Iran was the only other nation left out too). So many other situations like this plague Taiwan's international affairs. What pisses me off is how this barring was not due to any fault on Taiwan's part... the injustice in this world eh? Is it bad that I hate this more than I hate murder?

Taiwan's economy qualifies us for a voice in the G-20 Summit, whatever the political issues, leaving Taiwan out is not the best thing for the global economy. I can write an article every week about the injustices done to Taiwan on an global level, across even "little" things like gaming conventions. But I won't do this every week for the sake of the diversity I want in my posts. For all you know my next post might be about zombies.

My goal is to raise awareness. Now that you are aware, spread the news and stand up to it when given the chance.

And now to talk to all you Taiwanese, stop bickering and be stronger. Screw oppression, screw misunderstandings, the world sees strength and money is power; as long as we are strong economically, everything else will follow. If you don't love Taiwan like I do, that's fine, just do your part for society. But if you actually hate Taiwan, make sure I don't hear you say that or you'll feel my wrath long after the sun goes down (unless you provide a intelligent logical explanation for your emotions).

I love Taiwan. That's the second time I confessed my love for Taiwan here.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Blog Statistics... not really

Only 3 visits were linked from facebook, and they only stay an average of 11 seconds... Guess no one clicks the "view original post" thing at the bottom of my imported notes and the ones that do click don't really care anyways. I miss my old days when I had this Guild Wars fansite with about 1000 visits a day... But to the most important point:

According to my data I have more native Chinese speaking users reading my blog than native English speaking ones. This makes me want to just write in Chinese... If it weren't for my awe-inspiring ways with the English language and laughable skills in writing Chinese I would be using Chinese 100% by now.... in blog posts that is.

I guess all my English speaking friends have withered away... Makes Tony a sad little boy... Apart from the "little" bit, Tony isn't that little, he's 178cm (5'10"), he just slouches a bit... Also apart from the "boy" bit, Tony is what most people call "a real man", no really he is, please believe me. Okay maybe Tony isn't that sad either, he just enjoys over-correcting himself.

Speaking of over-correcting... I'll be learning French soon (Yes I know it wasn't related but I needed a paragraph transition). I've had about 3 years worth of French studies in both high school and college. Still my French is as good as 周董 (Jay Chou) is with English... I think. Anyways!

A la Quebec mes amis!!! Je vais a Montreal dans trois semaines. C'est une nouvelle sensationnelle non?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Power Leveled by John

Again for those facebook users, if you are reading this on facebook that means it was imported. But the format is probably messed up, so click on "view original post" to link to my blog. Yes, do it now...

It seems more than 3 people have asked me to write in English. That's about 3 more people than I expected. So to feed their insatiable desire to read my writings, here is a blog post in English. But seeing as how my muse has ran off with another man... again... this post will not be as elegantly worded nor as distinctly humorous as some of my other works. For those that think my other posts were crap, your mom seemed to think otherwise last time I saw her... I really am typing at an extremely fast pace without editing, so bear with me, it's going to get crazy.

So what have I been up to...?
Him, the one on the right.

The one on the left is my brother.

John and I are finally going to be open about our relationship. It is an exciting time for both of us. I'm a bit concerned though, most long distance relationships fail after a while. They are so hard to maintain you know? Any tips and pointers would be much appreciated. 高約翰, 我們一起加油吧. >3<

How we met
As most of you know, I grew up in Penang. John and I went to both Uplands and Dalat School together. We only really started getting to know each other after 11th grade though. He, like myself, am pretty much a typical nerd. Maybe that's what drew us together... Fast forward to summer 2008. Summer was when we really got to know each other.

Maybe it was the beach, or the loneliness... Either way we connected. We started talking online and before you know it, boom! As much as I'd like to go into the intricate details of our physical and emotional engagements, I'd like to leave that to your imagination. Let me now describe what we have together, our connection.

John's a great guy, not many people has that many 70+ characters in WoW you know? Actually he probably has a few lvl80's by now... His skill in real time strategies is only matched by my twitch reflexes in Unreal Tournament. We match like a priest matches a warrior in a 2 hour dungeon raid meant for 4 people. It's like 2 expert fake instrument players gold starring Dragonforce. Like how Marcus saves Dom after a direct shot by a Brumak (if for some reason Dom wasn't ripped to shreds). Like how Mario goes to all these castles for Peach, only for us John is never in another castle. Like how Farah always saves the Prince of Persia, making dying impossible in the game but nonetheless fun. Like how Chris and Sheva takes down an Executioner Majini in Professional. Like how Snake and Otacon work together to infiltrate place after place, ultimately saving the world from the control of the Patriots. Like how a Protoss Dark Templar transports to the Terran ally's base to rescue it from a Zerg rush (though realistically Dragoons should have been enough)...

You get my point. John and I match.

EDIT: Well, just to avoid any misunderstandings, though I never once stated we were engaged romantically, I strongly implied it... for the sake of continuing our little April Fool's joke. Ya, I'm just clarifying now that it is April 3rd. Perhaps I should have left it as is... Would have been funnier, and I got nothing to lose anyways.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A simple question

Do you want a personal relationship with someone who loves you to death?

One of the simplest yet most powerful questions you can ask. Think about it for a while. Do you?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Note: Facebook的鄉民看到下面那"查看原文"或"View Original Post"按鈕嗎?Yes, 按那個。看來Facebook會把匯入文章的格式弄亂...
好害羞喔,人家每一種第一次都獻給它了... *扭扭*






但也有可能是時候未到,所以我的未來Anata,請等我... 至少再等兩個禮拜

Friday, March 6, 2009




Yes 他或許把你房間搞得很噁心,
Yes 她或許整天纏著妳還死抓不放(而且是真的很難打死)
但在祂眼裡我們是怎樣的生物呢?對一個創造宇宙綜多銀河系中的太陽系裡的小小星球的幾億人之一的神... 我們算什麼?而祂的反應又是一樣的嗎?

奇怪,好像是愛耶... 哪有任何神會愛那麼渺小,噁心的我們?
"神愛世人(你耶,你耶!),甚至把他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不致滅亡,反得永生。因為,神差他的兒子到世上來,不是要定世人的罪,而是要使世人藉著他得救。" -約翰福音3:16-17
有神愛我們耶,包括你!只要肯接受這份愛就有一個與神建立個人關係的機會... 他告白了,耶穌早在33AD就告白了,你的回答呢?祂在聽,在等你喔


RIP 蟑螂

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Public blogEntry as Worksheet

'Can you guess what language this is?
'I gave you a huge hint already...

Public Sub myWork
 Dim payCheck as Single, workHours as Long, projectComplete as Boolean
 Dim startHours as Single, endHours as Variable
 Dim sneakyMode as Boolean, stareAtScreen as Boolean, goHome as Boolean
 Dim newEmotion as String

 startHours = 800

  If projectComplete = False Then
  endHours = 1900
  payCheck = Null
   newEmotion = "Indifference"
   endHours = 1855
 End if

 For i = startHours to EndHours
  If startHours + 30 > i
   stareAtScreen = True
  End If

  If bored or frustrated Then
   If bossLooking = False Then
    timeLimit = 30 + x
    Call StartBlogging
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    sneakyMode = True
    timeLimit = 10
    Call StartBlogging
   End If
   Dim guilt as integer
   guilt = workHours/timeLimit
  End If

  If guilt > 9 Then
   Exit Sub
  End If

  stareAtScreen = False
 Next i

 Call workDetails

 If endHours + 60 > now
  goHome = False
  Goto workProcess
  goHome = True
  newEmotion = "Joy"
 End If
End Sub

Monday, February 23, 2009

Singing for Dummies

什麼音質, 滑音, 抖音, 共鳴...
尤其是共鳴, 要怎麼讓共鳴點在頭部, 那嘶吼時(像唱Linkin Park)還是一樣方法嗎?

什麼意思啊!? 原來我一直只"發音"是不夠喽?

No really, how exactly do you sing?
How about posture, pressure point, abs, blah blah?
And how do you "practice" singing? Without proper techniques, practice only wastes time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009



大學終於在昨天全部申請完, 現在就只能等了
...想去Toronto的學校... 但實際還是蠻怕想進的都進不了
算了, 想那麼多也沒有...
如麻倉葉的名言: "船到橋頭自然直"
嗯...好像有點粗俗... 但真的就是這樣啊

就先別去想長相,說話方式,悶騷程度那些膚淺的東西 (其實悶騷程度不膚淺,很重要喔)
我是感覺看到在大學時期的我 (差2年而已,我還沒那麼老)
不管是課業上的進度,新學期的希望,甚至是團契裡的參與... 好像喔...

雖然想知道更多,想實際做更多,但... 這是她們的工
所以為了一起喜樂我就會一直禱告 (而且竟然要禱告也需要知道,呵呵,有藉口了)

這次借用Michael Jackson的歌做總結吧:

本來要放Michael Jackson本人, 但看了video後我全身不舒服... 所以放Craig David版
而且Beat box酷多了

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


以下是我ㄧ個朋友寫的, 一個改變我世界觀, 帶給我史上最好的消息(aka福音)的學姊...
...鼓聲... PEARL!
放她圖片可能會害羞所以... --->

基督徒總想, 要把福音傳給愛的人...


如果我們擁有一樣好東西, 可以無限制的要給誰就給誰, 要給多少就給多少... 那正常人應該會不吝嗇的給身邊任何的人吧? 如果有誰是我不願意給的, 那我一定非常非常憎恨他.

同樣地, 當我們知道有 "永生" 這樣的好東西, 而上帝又允許我們把這樣的好消息, 這樣棒的禮物, 無限制的要給誰就給誰, 要給多少就給多少... 那我們應該是逢人就給吧? 除非我們真的討厭一個人討厭到就算我有用不完的產業也不會想要分給他.

This gift of eternal life, this gift that we can share with anyone without exhausting it. Not "How much do we have to care for someone to share the gift with him?" BUT "How much do we have to 'hate' someone to NOT share this gift with him?"

就在這時, 我想到爺爺奶奶. 我想到好多年前心裡下的決定. 我哭了.

That was a good sermon. A good reminder.


Monday, February 9, 2009

A Sad Composition


Everytime I leave Taiwan I am left with a sense of unwillingness, regret, and even sorrow.
I am unwilling to leave because Taiwan is my home, it may not be where I grew up but it is what I consider home. Most people who will read this probably know how much I love Taiwan. That is why I am unwilling, unwilling to leave my love.
I am regretful because of the things I could have done but did not, the food I could have eaten but missed out on, the people I could have met with but sat out on. The people... so close to my heart, for no clear reason, yet so far away, so very far away...
I am sad because this past year was the first time I've been in Taiwan this often, and I fear it will not happen again. At least not for a good number of years. I cannot settle down for fear of having to leave again; in fact, I'm not even there anymore.

And what some of you may not know how sparingly I use the word love; I want to retain its significance. I do not "love" a smoothly cut salmon sashimi served fresh from a renowned Japanese fish market... though that's pretty close to true love right there... Just not quite. The point is I don't use love just everywhere, but I love Taiwan. I'd love to see God in Taiwan, or rather in every single acre of land and every person on it. He's working on it, and so am I. But right now...


It seems it is only in English that I spew out thoughts and philosophy of a significant caliber. Perhaps that is not such a good thing... Chinese again? Who cares about you Americans anyways... Sorry guys, it seems I write about updates to my life in Chinese mostly... So you are stuck with these...

Oh, and I went evangelizing with the church one Sunday, most of the people I knew weren't there. Slackers.

Thursday, January 29, 2009



今年我們一家人下去高雄過新年(算回娘家吧, 雖然娘家一起下高雄)
那一些表哥表姐表妹們也都好久沒見了 (除了在台北的寶寶姐,還有波波)
哇... 真的ㄟ... 我還第一次想到...其實好像沒什麼大不了的...

ok, 回到正題。啊! 沒有正題, 本來想就這樣混過去的說...
對對, Angel說要放一張她的照片


喔,Angel也不錯啦 XD
這是我阿姨家的黃金獵犬(Golden Retriever) 班班,也是雄女的吉祥物
她(好像是"他", 我忘記檢查一下)很容易興奮, 這張照片是很努力壓住他才照出來的
但其實我就是喜歡這種可以和你摔角的狗...好想養狗喔... 好想..

只是下次可能用英文了, 要不然我美國朋友就不來我blog了...

Monday, January 19, 2009



這次我們要待到2月七號, 算是蠻久了
Anyways, 除了27-29在高雄(還有後來的墾丁之旅, 處於maybe狀態), 我們因該會一直在台北...吧
太興奮了~~~ 呼呼

這次一定要吃遍全台北的牛肉麵!  XD

喔, 順帶一提我現在"愛我別走"練到可以免強自彈自唱了
好煩喔, 自彈自唱rhythm會亂...
看來我要再多練... :'(

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our births

Yesterday was my older brother's birthday. He is now 25, man time flys doesn't it? At the dinner buffet we went to, my mom started reminicsing about our childhood. My brother was naughtier, more uncontrollable, more disobediant, more destructive, and... well, the list goes on.

She then talked about how we were born. By this I mean the time of our birth. For my brother she just didn't want to give birth on Friday the 13th (his birthday is 14th Jan). And I apparently stayed in the womb 2 weeks more than I should have. The doctor had to rush me out and April 1st was the only available date. No one believed my mom when she told them I was born that day... :(

Oh, and when she first brought me home, she said that my brother stared at me like I was some sort of intruder. No love... no love...

後來講到的童年趣事真多啊... 改天寫好了...

Monday, January 12, 2009


最近一直在玩這個遊戲: Fallout 3. 聽過嗎? 中文是"異塵餘生3"
從去年就開始玩了, 52個小時還差不多一半而已...
它是RPG, 但他沒有固定的class. 像魔獸有Shaman啊, Ranger啊
Fallout開始沒有這樣的選擇, 隨著遊戲進行以及隨著自己做的決定, 你的角色會有不同的進化

我最喜歡的是它的故事及背景. 它描述一個被核彈戰爭毀滅的世界, 很多人都失去了該有的尊嚴及道德. 甚至為了一公升的水殺人是正常的...
而且很多城鎮都有自己的宗教, 有些拜一個聖母, 有些拜長老,甚至有些拜核子彈...
哪有人拜核彈的!!! 還給我"全生細胞分解是天堂"!

其實跟我們現在這個時代沒有差太多, 仔細想想有點可悲...
No, 真的。問祂

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A New Creation

Hmmm, perhaps I was bored at work.
Perhaps I felt the need to create something.
Or perhaps I simply fed off my dying hunger for writing and gave in to my irresistable urge to... blog.

Well blogging is not just writing, it goes beyond that. It's... Who am I kidding, it's just writing. Maybe I'll import some of my facebook "notes" here. Looking back I had some decent essays... In my opinion anyways... which is the only opinion that is valid... and matters...

... O_O

I need to get back to work...

Hurray for the first post!

下篇用中文好了... I should also have some pictures...